Monday, February 24, 2014

My country part 3

Hi everyone welcome back to "Faraway countries” part 3. Today I am going to tell you about people in my country. Do you know that Kyrgyz people are ancestors of Khakass, Altai, Shor people? Do you know that epos  “Manas” is the biggest epos in the world? Stay with me and you going to know more about Kyrgyz people.

Ethnonym “Kyrgyz” means inconsumable. History of Kyrgyz people begins 201 years b.c. in Chinese sources tells about that people who lived near the Huns. According this information Kyrgyz people is one of the oldest nations in Central Asia. We have a rich history with ups and downs. In 840th year Kyrgyz people were the one of the powerful countries in Asia under expansion of them were Altay, Priirtyshya, Tuva and etc. But under invasion of Genghis Khan Kyrgyz people were divided to two parts one stayed at Altay other moved to Tian Shan mountain system, where were the territory of modern Kyrgyz Republic. From X to XVIII century Kyrgyz people we part of Turkic Khanate. From 1709 to 1876 years we were under control of Kokand khanate and from 1876 to 1991 we were part of Russian Empire and latter part of Soviet Union. In August 31st of 1991 Kyrgyz Republic began to exist.

Epos “Manas” is important part of our culture and history. This epos about hero Manas who collected divided country to one powerful empire. Even China was afraid of our power. 1000 years epos Manas were passed from mouth to mouth  by singers called manaschy, who saw in dreams story of manas hero. There were two great manaschys Sayakbay Karalaev and Sagymbay Orozbak uulu all epos has approximately half a million lines. Academic Chokan Valikhanov start to write epos in 1856 year and he He called "Manas", "steppe Iliad." And continuation of "Manas" - poem "Semetei" - he described as the eastern "Odyssey". At school we have lessons about Manas hero, we study about his “Osuyats” that is kind a laws. There is Seven Manases Osuyats which basically like Ten Commandments,  thus people always will know he’s powerful ancestors, this is good ideology for future because young generation will try to bring back that power what we lost long ago.  
That is all folks! Stay tuned for my next podcast, and thanks for listening!

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